
Current Version
Port Prefix
Upgrade Folder




This guide assumes that the current systemd file is named as bitcanna

For Non Cosmovisor Users

Downloading and installing Binary

sudo systemctl stop symphony
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/Orchestra-Labs/symphony 
cd symphony
git pull
git checkout v0.4.1
make install

sudo systemctl start symphony

For Cosmovisor Users

# Downloading and installing Binary
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/Orchestra-Labs/symphony
cd symphony
git pull
git checkout v0.4.1
make install

# Making New Binary Directory and Copying the Daemon
mkdir -p $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.4.1/bin
sudo cp $HOME/go/bin/symphonyd $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.4.1/bin/

#Stop bitcanna-app daemon
sudo systemctl stop symphony

#creating symlink to new binaries
ls -l $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/current
rm $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/current
ln -s $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.4.1 $HOME/.symphonyd/cosmovisor/current

#starting bitcanna
sudo systemctl start symphony && sudo journalctl -u symphony -f -o cat

Last updated