
Previous Version: v0.4.0 - Failed Fork



  • Remember to remove --unsafe-skip-upgrades 1534500 flag from your systemd file

  • Remove existing addressbook

  • Delete all files in data directory

  • disable state-sync in config.toml file

  • add foundation persistent peers in your presistent peers list in config.toml 92ba004ac4bcd5afbd46bc494ec906579d1f5c1d@,ed5781ea586d802b580fdc3515d75026262f4b9d@

Download Genesis

wget -O $HOME/.warden/config/genesis.json https://files.nodeshub.online/testnet/warden/genesis.json

This guide assumes that the current systemd file is named as warden

For Non Cosmovisor Users

Downloading and installing Binary

sudo systemctl stop warden
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/warden-protocol/wardenprotocol
cd wardenprotocol
git pull
git checkout v0.3.1
make install

sudo systemctl start warden

For Cosmovisor Users

# Downloading and installing Binary
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/warden-protocol/wardenprotocol
cd wardenprotocol
git pull
git checkout v0.3.1
make install

# Making New Binary Directory and Copying the Daemon
mkdir -p $HOME/.warden/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.3.1/bin
sudo cp $HOME/go/bin/wardend $HOME/.warden/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.3.1/bin/

#Stop warden daemon
sudo systemctl stop warden

#creating symlink to new binaries
ls -l $HOME/.warden/cosmovisor/current
rm $HOME/.warden/cosmovisor/current
ln -s $HOME/.warden/cosmovisor/upgrades/v0.3.1 $HOME/.warden/cosmovisor/current

#starting warden
sudo systemctl start warden && sudo journalctl -u warden -f -o cat

Last updated