
Previous Version: v0.13.7


This guide assumes that the current systemd file is named as celestia-bridge

Downloading and installing Binary

sudo systemctl stop celestia-bridge
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/celestiaorg/celestia-node.git 
cd celestia-node
git pull
git checkout v0.14.0
make build
make install

#checking if the version is correct
/usr/local/bin/./celestia version
# should show
# Semantic version: v0.14.0
# Commit: 13439ccfebca67cc973cb7fa69570060e4540c13
# Build Date: Mon Jun 24 06:54:03 PM IST 2024
# System version: amd64/linux
# Golang version: go1.22.3

# Start Node and check logs 
sudo systemctl start celestia-bridge && sudo journalctl -u celestia-bridge -f -o cat

Last updated